Nano Cosmetics: Are They The Next Great Thing?
Women all over the world are doing a variety of things to combat aging. They want their faces to look like they did a few years ago, and are trying all kinds of new technologies to find the look of youth.One of these new technologies is being marketed by one of the largest manufact
urers of beauty products; the new technology is the use of nano particles in their cosmetics, particularly in anti aging wrinkle creams.
Nano cosmetics are so named because they utilize extremely tiny (or nano) particles to penetrate the skin far more than traditional anti aging treatments are able to do. Nano technology was originally introduced to be use
d in man made fibers and medicinal drugs.
Because of the ability of these particles to be absorbed into skin cells, questions have arisen concerning the long term effects of the chemicals being introduced into the body.
This is particularly an issue if the particles leach into body cells or the bloodstream. Both the British Agency, the Royal Society, and the American agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have voiced concerns about the use of nano technology in cosmetic treatments.
These governmental bodies are calling for some serious research into the long term effects of these cosmetics in the cosmetics industry, which has been relatively unregulated since its conception. The FDA is also looking into the possibility of introducing a system which would require clinical trials and licensing within this industry.
According to the FDA, urgent research is needed to assess safety concerns about nano particles used in cosmetics. The Royal Society is also questioning whether the particles are taken into cells, whether they can enter the bloodstream, and the effects of these.
The fears arising from the use of nanotechnology in cosmetics are due to questions about possible genetic mutation as a long term effect.
Traditionally, anti-aging skin care products were designed to hold moisture in the skin by creating a barrier between the
skin and the outside world. Nano particles in the new generation of cosmetics do not work this way.
They are designed to penetrate the upper layers of the skin and stimulate new skin cell production which gives skin a new, plump, and youthful appearance. Nano particles make it possible to get a multitude of chemicals into the deeper layers of skin because the chemicals can be covered by the particles.
Many of these chemicals would cause irritation in other forms and may be stimulating the inner working by irritating from the inside. This is the nano cosmetic secret to anti aging and anti-wrinkleskin care products . Basically, if your use these products, you will definitely see results, but you do not know what effects they may have on you in the long run.

This rush to influx the market with over the counter anti aging creams and other anti aging cosmetics is in answer to medical treatments for anti aging, like Botox. Skin care companies have realized that people will pay well for products that work due to the number of people who utilize (and pay for) the Botox solution for anti aging, even if it is temporary.
In an attempt to keep their competitive edge, some of the leading manufacturers, are leading this race, having patented several dozen nanosomes. A nanosome is a particle which is a staggering 800 times smaller than the diameter of a single human hair.
With the cosmetics industry steady increase in sales (approximately 10% per year), companies are always looking for ways to draw customers to their door.
While other companies are working the technology, they may not actually have products on the market yet. One of the appearance concerns that some companies are interested in using nanotechnology to answer is hair; research is ongoing to find ways to use nano particles to prevent hair from turning grey and also for loss of hair.
While the use of nanotechnology in the cosmetics industry is quite a rage for both cosmetics companies and consumers. This technology as an anti aging tool does give results, but may pose serious health concerns, not only for current generations, but for future generations.
Autor: sadhivm
Source: Free Articles