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Permanent Makeup - Have You Ever Considered It?

The most popular permanent makeup choices include tattooed eyebrows, eye liner, and lip color. Make no mistake - it's not just for women....tattooed eyebrows, eye liner, and lip color....

Permanent Makeup - Have You Ever Considered It?

Although tattooing is popular as an art form, tattoos are now being used as a form of permanent beauty and convenience. Permanent makeup has now gained popularity throughout the world as an easy way to keep the makeup on, day or night.

The most popular permanent makeup choices include tattooed eyebrows, eye liner, and lip color. Make no mistake - it's not just for women. Men are also opting for permanent makeup for various reasons, including the cover up of burns and skin discoloration.

You can expect permanent cosmetics procedures to take one to two hours and cost about $600. The price will vary depending on the type of makeup you desire. The tattoo artist or technician will use standard tools, whether pen or rotary machine. You should carefully consider your options before deciding on the right procedure for you.

Should You Get Permanent Makeup?

Permanent makeup offers great convenience for many people. You can wake up in the morning and save yourself the time and hassle of applying makeup to certain areas of your face. It's a great option for athletes because perspiration won't affect tattooed makeup. You'll also find that this type of makeup isn't just for the face. The most popular permanent makeup choices include tattooed eyebrows, eye liner, and lip color. Make no mistake - it's not just for women. Men are also opting for permanent makeup for various reasons, including the cover up of burns and skin discoloration.such as the pigment of the areola, can be tattooed after a mastectomy.

For those with undesirable features, such as no eyebrow line or eyelashes, the decision to choose tattooed makeup may be an obvious one. It may help the individual enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence. However, with other procedures, you have to make a tough decision to make because there is no turning back once the procedure is complete. You'll have to live with the colors and type of makeup for a long time. Removing tattoos can be a painful procedure, and may be extremely difficult.

Permanent cosmetics are great for those who seldom change their makeup technique and pigments. To choose the right colors, be honest with yourself and examine the colors that you currently use. For lips, you may want to go with a light shade, since they can be covered up with darker lipstick if you want a different look. For eyeliner or brow, carefully consider the shape and thickness you desire.

Whatever you decide on, make sure that you find a qualified technician to do your makeup. The Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals may be able to help. You can do background research on the technicians in your area and choose a reputable professional with the proper experience and training. When considering an artist, always visit the facilities. It should be clean, well-lit, and hold a professional appearance. Also, ask to see a portfolio of past work. Pay close attention to the pictures of those who received the procedure that you're interested in.

After your procedure, you'll see that your permanent makeup is darker than expected. However, this will lighten over time as some of the color fades. After several weeks, examine your new makeup and see if you like it. If you're not satisfied with the look, contact your technician or tattoo artist. There may be something that he or she can do to slightly change the look.


Permanent makeup offers great benefits to athletes, those with scars, or individuals who love the colors they currently wear. You can save yourself a lot of time and hassle for choosing permanent makeup. However, you should be sure of the colors and procedures you desire since removal can be expensive and difficult. A technician recognized by the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals may be able to help you make the right decision.

By: Brooke Hayles
Article Source: http://www.articlesauce.com

Cosmetic Tips and Tricks. With a Little History

when applying makeup is to start with a clean face. A clean face gives you the perfect palate for applying the rest of your cosmetics. A dirty face, on the other hand, will make it much more difficult. A clean face will also help keep your skin look clear and healthy....

Cosmetic Tips and Tricks. With a Little History

Women have been wearing cosmetics for thousands of years. Archaeologists have evidence of men and women using cosmetics in Egypt over 6000 years ago! Wealthy Egyptian women would paint their nails, massage their faces with creams and oils, apply lipstick and eyeliner, and even color their hair. Obviously, things haven't changed that much over the last few millennia!

The most important thing you can do when applying makeup is to start with a clean face. A clean face gives you the perfect palate for applying the rest of your cosmetics. A dirty face, on the other hand, will make it much more difficult. A clean face will also help keep your skin look clear and healthy.

After you have thoroughly cleaned your face, apply foundation smoothly and evenly. When applied correctly, it should not look like you're wearing foundation. The purpose of foundation is to smooth out your skin colors to cover up any blemishes and to help you put your cosmetics on better. Your face should feel light and natural. If it is obvious that you're wearing foundation, or if your face feels like it's covered with guck, then you've put too much on. Also consider if you have the right type of foundation. To work properly, the foundation has to match your skin tone as closely as possible.

If you are having trouble picking the right color of foundation, talk to a cosmetics consultant at one of the cosmetics counters at your local department store. If you've only put a bit too much foundation on, you can blot at your skin with some toilet paper to remove the excess foundation without having to start from scratch.

If required, you can then apply some concealer to your face with your fingers. Concealer can be particularly useful around your eyes so any dark circles don't have you confused for a racoon! No matter where you use concealer, always remember to blend, blend, blend. If the concealer is not blended into the rest of your face, it will only draw attention to the spots your are attempting to cover up.

It is only after you've washed your face and applied foundation and concealer that you're ready to move on to the more noticeable cosmetics such as eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, blush and lipstick.

The ancient Egyptians mainly made their cosmetics from clay and oils (with the occasional dash of mercury). Modern cosmetics are made from an unbelievable array of products. Lipstick often contains fish by-products and blush can contain mica, a translucent mineral! While the Food and Drug Administration controls what can be used in cosmetics, the precise ingredients are often protected as trade secrets.

If you really want to know what's going on your face, you can chose to buy organic cosmetics that will make their makeup from simple, natural materials. This can also be a useful strategy if you are concerns about animal testing. If you only want to buy cosmetics that have not been tested on animals, make sure to inquire whether the cosmetics you are purchasing were tested on animals or not.

By: Stephen Dolan
Article Source: http://www.articlesauce.com

Maximum Coverage Concealers - Hints & Tips to Get That Flawless Complexion

Concealing is the art of covering dark spots, freckles, sun damage or any other color imperfections on the skin surface. The color of the concealer should be one or two shades lighter than your foundation. By using a lighter shade,....

Maximum Coverage Concealers
Hints & Tips to Get That Flawless Complexion

Concealing is a must for achieving flawless beauty! We all have skin imperfections but when concealed correctly no one would be able to tell. Once you master the art of concealing, it will give you an even complexion to create the look you want.

Concealing is the art of covering dark spots, freckles, sun damage or any other color imperfections on the skin surface. The color of the concealer should be one or two shades lighter than your foundation. By using a lighter shade, it will not only lighten the darker spots, but will give a uniform color to you skin when the foundation is applied. Don't use a darker color to conceal a flaw. This will only highlight it when you apply your foundation. The spots or imperfections will appear even darker after the foundation is applied compared to the rest of your face.

I love wearing mineral foundation & concealers. It's feather light on your skin and it is quick and easy to use. I always pre-conceal. Pre means before. Pre-concealing is the art of applying the concealer before the foundation is buffed (mineral foundation) or sponged onto the skin ( liquid foundation).

If you are using a liquid concealer, gently pat the concealer on to the area of imperfection. Then with a moist cosmetic sponge, gently press the sponge on to you skin. Don't rub with the sponge as this will leave the sponges pattern on your skin when the liquid concealer or foundation dries. A water based liquid won't clog the pores like an oil based liquid.

If you are using a natural mineral concealer, swirl the concealer minerals on the brush until they adhere to the brush. Gently tap the excess off. Then pat the concealer on the inner corners of your eyes. This will brighten up your eyes and make them appear further apart. I have found that this technique of laying on the concealer doesn't make your fine lines show up as much as opposed to sweeping or buffing the concealer under your eyes. Make sure the skin around your eyes are well moisturized. Let the moisturizer completely dry around your eyes before applying any minerals to your skin. Otherwise the skin will grab the minerals for an uneven look. Continue to gently pat each dark spot or imperfection until they blend with your natural bare skin (no foundation yet). When you have matched the tone of your imperfections to that of your natural bare skin with the concealer, you can then apply the foundation of your choice. Your skin imperfections will now blend in naturally once you apply your foundation.

If your skin is oily, try applying a good finishing mineral veil before the concealer. The mineral veil will actually absorb the oil in your skin for a perfect matte finish lasting all day long. The cornstarch in the veil is credited for the oil absorption.

Natural Mineral foundation & concealers won't clog your pores at all. They are all natural and gentle to your skin.

Once you start applying the concealer correctly, you will see amazing results in your overall appearance!

By Gail Gallegos
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

9 Make-up Musts to Be a Boomer Babe!

9 Make-up Musts ***Avoid Heavy Foundation,Put away the Powder,Powder Blush is heavy looking on mature lined skin, Examine your Eye Shadows,Don't let Eyeliner Overpower, Baby your Brows,Lighten Your Lips,Use a Light Hand with Lip Liner,Banish Pasty Face.....

9 Make-up Musts to Be a Boomer Babe!

Here's a handy rule if you want to be a boomer babe! For heavens sakes, GO EASY ON THE MAKE-UP. As our hair lightens and begins to go grey, our eyebrows also lighten, our skin pales and we start to look washed out.

Many boomer babes try to compensate by piling on the make up. We think that bright lipstick, lots of blush, tons of eye shadow, and dark eyeliner will restore our youth. But, bright make-up after 40 will make you look like a clown or female impersonator!

1. Avoid Heavy Foundation

Since your skin dries and dulls as it ages, it's best to switch to a dewier look. Trade in your heavy matte foundation, which gives you that mask look, for a tinted moisturizer.
If you want more coverage try, mixing your foundation with some moisturizer to thin it out, or mix your foundation with a tinted moisturizer. You may also want to check out 'light reflecting foundations' especially created for over 40 skin because they reflect light off those little wrinkles.

2. Put away the Powder

Too much powder can make you dry and cakey. If you must use powder because you have oily skin, use loose powder in the T-zone, only.

3. Switch Your Blush

Powder Blush is heavy looking on mature lined skin. Instead try a cream blush. It's more natural looking and will make you look vibrant.

4. Examine your Eye Shadows

If you are over 40 be careful with shimmering shadows. Too much sparkle accentuates creepy eyelids. Also avoid too much bright color on your eyes. Neutral colored eye shadows- beiges, browns, creams, grays, taupes, will show off your eyes instead of your eyelids.

5. Don't let Eyeliner Overpower

Don't use black...too harsh. Instead, try dark brown and then blend well with a brown powder. Best way to apply it is as close to the eyelash as possible, dotting between lashes and then smoothing out the line, or even better just under your upper lashes. Your eyes will appear much bigger.

6. Baby your Brows

Your eyebrows create a beautiful frame to showcase your eyes so don't neglect them as you age. Be sure to keep them in good shape so they don't get scraggly. After 40 many women tend to let the brow go pale and darken the lips at this stage, when in fact you should darken the brows so they frame your eyes and lighten up the lips.

7. Lighten Your Lips

Soften lips with pinks, corals, light browns, nothing too dark or too bright or there will be too much contrast between your lips, skin and hair. Too much contrast makes you look hard.

8. Use a Light Hand with Lip Liner

Good idea to use a liner to prevent lip bleed If you are over 40, but keep it soft in color and application. You should not be able to tell you have it on.

9. Banish Pasty Face

The older we get the paler we get and that old lady look starts to kick in. To avoid this try using a very light bronzer to finish off your look and give your skin a youthful sun kissed glow. To apply: Hold your bronzing brush at your temple and round it down in a sweeping motion to your cheekbone (creating a backwards c motion). From your cheekbone, round it down in a sweeping motion to just below the jaw line (creating another backwards c). Repeat on the other side. That's all you need to do to look Fabulous after 40!

Deborah Boland and JoJami Tyler (The Glam Gals) are Image and Style Experts specializing in helping women 40 plus look and feel fabulous. They are the authors of the e-book, The Glam Plan - 12 Simple Steps to Take You From Frumpy to Fabulous, as well as coaches for their Tweak Your Chic, Image make-over program. For more tips go to http://www.fabulousafter40.com and sign up for their bi-weekly newsletter. You can also contact them at: info@fabulousafter40.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Why Herbal Cosmetics Are Better Than Other Beauty Products?

Herbal Cosmetics ***Oats (Avena sativa),Shea butter (Botyrospermum parkii),Sea Salt,Paraffin (Petroselinum cripsum)....

Why Herbal Cosmetics
Are Better Than Other Beauty Products?

Beauty products and cosmetics have flooded in the market and are making billions of business every year. But the purchasers never think of the ingredients that are used in those beauty products. Many of them contain very strong chemicals that can damage our skin if used for long period. On other hand, herbal cosmetics that contain natural ingredients like fruits and herbs, heal our damaged skin and nourishes skin to glow naturally.

Herbal cosmetics use ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter, lemon, papaya, butter, cream, olive and other natural contents. Do you think they can harm your skin any way? The answer is definitely no as we commonly used them in homemade packs and facial mask. Let's see in brief some natural ingredients of herbal cosmetics and their medicinal properties.

Oats (Avena sativa)

The parts used are oatmeal or oat bran, seeds, or grains. Its main properties are exfoliant and emollient for chapped hands, eczema, and irritated, dry or itching skin; source of vitamin E, proteins, zinc, manganese and iron.

Shea butter (Botyrospermum parkii)

Shea butter can be added to moisturizers for the reduction of wrinkles and to creams for sore muscles, rheumatism, burns, and light wounds; increase capillary circulation; antioxidant with a high linoleum acid content; good for dry or irritable skin, sunburn, chapping; good for sensitive skin; offer skin protection against ultraviolet rays.

Sea Salt

Sea salt is rich in minerals. It can remove dead surface skin cells and dirt. It is used as a circulatory stimulant in a scrub.

Paraffin (Petroselinum cripsum)

Paraffin is rich in calcium, potassium and silica. The parts used are leaves and stems. It strengthen nail and skin and reduces smell of garlic and onion on breath and hands. Its main properties are anti-microbial, cleansing, and diuretic.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

By Nick Mutt
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

Nine Important Ingredients of Herbal Cosmetics

Important Ingredients of Herbal Cosmetics--Almond (Prunus dulcis),Beeswax,Cocoa Butter,Honey,Benzoin (Styrax benzoin),Lemon (Citrus limon),Mint (Mentha spicata),Lavender,Myrrh (Commiphora molmol)....

Nine Important Ingredients of Herbal Cosmetics

Herbal cosmetics contain herbs and natural ingredients. They tone and nourish the skin both internally as well as externally and are free from harmful effects. Below are some important ingredients of herbal cosmetics along with their medicinal properties.

Important Ingredients of Herbal Cosmetics

Almond (Prunus dulcis)

The parts used are nut or seed, powder, oil pressed from the seed. The medicinal properties are demulcent, emollient, skin softener, used in body oils and lotions, nutritive, contains iron, calcium, potassium, copper, zinc, vitamin E, biotin, amino acids


The main properties of beeswax are - Obtained from the honeycomb of honeybees; holds fatty oils in emulsion in moisturizing creams and lotions; natural beeswax is dark yellow.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is very common ingredient used in many beauty cosmetics. The properties of cocoa butter are: the fat is used in making ointments and cosmetic creams; has a chocolate aroma.


Honey has several heath benefits and is used widely in herbal cosmetics. Its main properties are emollient, humectants, antiseptic; helps skin retain moisture; can be applied to a wound as a cooling analgesic.

Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)

The parts used are the tree resin and tincture of benzoin. The main properties of benzoin are antiseptic, astringent, used to heal inflamed, irritated and cracked skin; improves skin elasticity; cosmetic fixative and preservative of fats.

Lemon (Citrus limon)

The parts used are pulp, rind, juice and essential oil. Its main properties are astringent, bleaching, anti-inflammatory; disinfectant; scent is stimulating and refreshing.

Mint (Mentha spicata)

The parts used are leaves and essential oil. Its main properties are antispasmodic, diaphoretic, stimulant, carminative; relieve stomach complaints; can be used for flavoring.


The parts used are flowers and essential oil. Its main properties are antiseptic, anti-depressive and antimicrobial; calming effect to relieve stress; essential oil can be used externally for aching muscles and to help prevent scarring.

Myrrh (Commiphora molmol)

The parts used are gum resin and volatile oil. Its main properties are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral agent; antiseptic, cooling and tonic; good for wounds that refuse to heal, boils and abscesses.

Have a healthier and natural glow on your skin!

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

By Nick Mutt
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

The Natural look for Christmas

The Natural look for Christmas

This Christmas the look is pretty, not gory. Even for the night, light makeup that makes you look like yourself, only prettier is the way to go.

Just because you're going to a party at night, it doesn't mean you have to pile on heavy makeup to look glamorous.

Overdone make up makes you look older, not prettier. Light make up makes you look younger and more inviting to the opposite sex.

Stars like Halle Berry and Scarlett Johanssen sparkle with their bare, yet ultrachic look. Understated makeup is glam if you know how to pull it off.

The secret lies in the strategic placement of color and the choice of color used.

* First invest in a set of makeup brushes. The free ones that come with the compact just won't do. Sure, those would be fine for touch ups but not when you're actually putting on your face.

* Next, get a foundation that matches your skin tone. Not too light, not too dark. Get a shade that is just right. Or get two shades of the same foundation, one darker, one lighter and blend them together until they match your skin perfectly. Or you could use a tinted moisturizer close to your skin tone if you don't need much coverage.

* Forget about the goth girl heavy eyed look. Be daring. Bring out the natural beauty of your eyes with a soft shimmery eye shadow and use eye liner sparingly. Use your mascara to define your lashes but separate the lashes immediately with a clean mascara brush or comb.

* For your lips, this Christmas, forget about garishly bright lips or deep wine lips. Those are so passe. Go for something nude. A shimmery nude lip gloss would be perfect. It is subtle, chic and naturally pretty.

* Even with light makeup, you need blusher for radiance. Instead of bright rosy cheeks, go for a golden glow. Forget about fuschia, red, or anything that might make you look like an old fashioned doll. Go for the healthy glow. Cheat by using a caramel blusher. You get a glow that looks so natural they'll think it is real.

Article Source:www.smart-mums.com.au

Steps for Makeup Application

Steps for Makeup Application--Concealer comes in different colours:Skin coloured,Liquid foundation – Apply using clean fingers.,Stick or cake foundation – Use a damp sponge....

Steps for Makeup Application

Anna Carpenter of Pink Dot Beauty, a fabulous online Beauty Shop gives you her step by step guide for fool proof Make-up Application. She also shares lots of great Hints, Tips and Ideas so that your make-up will look absolutely flawless, everyday - everytime!

* Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise at least half an hour before applying your make up, so that it has time to absorb.

* Apply cover cream. When using concealer, it should be one level lighter than your skin tone.

Concealer comes in different colours:

Skin coloured

Yellow – covers blue, including the delicate area under the eye.

Green –
covers red blemishes and spots.

* Now it is time to apply foundation. Foundation is used to even out the skin tone. The best test when choosing a colour, is by applying to the chin and blending into the neck.

Liquid foundation – Apply using clean fingers.

Stick or cake foundation – Use a damp sponge.

* If you are using cream blush, apply now.

* Apply translucent powder, all over the face, using a powder puff, brush or cotton ball.

* If you are using powder blush, apply now.

* Your eyebrows can affect your whole face, and facial expressions. If they need tidying up, or you wish to fill in colour, do so now.

* Apply eye colour.

* Apply eyeliner.

* Apply mascara using a cake or wand. Use a maximum of two coats only. If you are applying a second coat, make sure the first is dry beforehand. Curl lashes after using mascara.

* Use a lip liner and lip colour. Lip liner helps to prevent bleeding. Make sure the lip liner matches the colour of the lipstick.

This article is courtesy of Anna Carpenter, the owner of Beauty & Lace and Pink Dot Beauty - Pamper products to make you feel like a princess. Pretty cosmetics and yummy body products. Brands include Urban Rituelle, Mancine and Star and Rose.

Article Source:www.smart-mums.com.au

Flawless Make-Up

Flawless Make-Up

Applying makeup seems to mystify many people, which is why I've decided to share my insider makeup tips and secrets with you.

You will be amazed at how easy it is to get picture perfect, flawless makeup every time.

Prepare, prepare, prepare

Want your makeup to go on flawless? Preparing the blank canvas is a crucial step in preparing your face for makeup. This means moisturising or using an under base. You will find your foundation glides on more easily and especially important for those with dry skin.

Buy the proper foundation

An off-color base will make every other cosmetic you apply look not quite right. Splurge on foundation and when trying to find the right shade, blend a little from your jaw line and down to the neck to make sure the colour blends with your neck. Don't listen to those who try to tell you that you need apply a test patch to your inside of wrists. Your skin colour here is totally different to your face.

Let's Cover Up

Want perfect coverage? Apply foundation first and then your concealer. Foundation will hide about 75% of all the discolorations you see on a bare face. Then just go in with concealers on the most obvious. You save time and product this way.

The eyes have it

Want eye shadow to be picture perfect all day? Before you apply shadow or liner, prime lids with a concealer on the lids and a little underneath the eye, blending with a sponge of foundation followed by powder. Not only will this even the tone of your eyelids, it will also make your shadows go on more smoothly and last longer.

Set makeup with loose powder

Loose powder is easier to control and more versatile than its pressed cousin. What's more, it sets every type of cosmetic, from foundation to eye shadow to even lipstick and helps to reduce shine. Choose a loose powder with a yellow undertone to ensure it works with your skin tone, and apply with a fluffy powder brush.

Use great brushes

Your makeup application is only as good as the brushes you use, because high-quality brushes allow you to apply and blend better than anything else. At a minimum, you need a fluffy powder brush, a flat eye shadow brush, a tapered blush brush, and a lip brush.

Blushing Beauty

Blush is a sure fire way to look 5 years younger, instantly. How? With the right color. Look for the most natural flush color you can find. Sweeping on cheek color in stripes in an effort to create cheekbones only succeeds in making you look dated and like you're trying too hard. For a more classic, attractive look, apply blush to the apples of your cheeks in a circular motion, and avoid swiping the blush out toward your hairline.

Eyebrows give expression

Even if you wear no other makeup, keeping your brows groomed perfectly gives you an instantly polished appearance.

If yours need filling use and eyebrow pencil which is 1-2 shades lighter than your hair color. The same color can look too overpowering on a face and darker than your hair color is just too severe.

Lash Curling - make it an essential

Nothing opens up eyes more than curling the eyelashes. Make it easy by curling at the base of the lashes, hold for 10 seconds, walk 1/2 way out, and then curl for 10 seconds more. Always curl on clean lashes.

Mascara Basics

Want model length lashes? Do what the pros do. Apply mascara to the tops of the lashes as well as the underneath. Look down into your mirror, and brush your mascara wand on the upper side of your lashes...then look up and brush through again on the bottom side.

Lip Tip's

Want a perfect lip line? Use your light brown eye pencil to line lips. Apply a bit more on the inside corners of the lip on both top and bottom to create a depth on the outside of the lips. Apply your lipstick or gloss over. You've just created a 3-d effect lip. Larger, brighter, fuller.

Article Source:www.smart-mums.com.au

Make-Up Tips - Blush

Make-Up Tips - Blush**Choosing the Appropriate Shade of Blush for your skin tone.,What to Consider,Skin Tone,Skin Intensity,Sure-fire Blush Selection, made easy!,Applying the Blush...

Make-Up Tips - Blush

Giving a warm, natural color of blood rushing to your cheeks - this is what blush does. Blush gives depth and contour to your cheeks and accentuates your inner glow. Unfortunately, blush comes in a wide variety of hues, shades and tones that can get you confused on which shade is just right for your skin.

A guide for beginners and experts alike, read on to get the full story on one of the cosmetic industry's best effects.

1. Choosing the Appropriate Shade of Blush for your skin tone.

This is similar to picking the right shade for your foundation, concealer or eye shadow. It is hard to pick out the right one - doing this would require comprehension of color theory. But, you don’t need to worry. Blushers today are very flexible, which will blend onto your skin tone easily. Getting off at the wrong track, however, will make your face drained or looking like a clown.

2. What to Consider

There are two simple things to take into consideration - skin and the context.

Skin Tone

* Know whether your skin is a warm or cool tone.

* If you have a yellow undertone, you will settle in better with cool colors like mauve, rose and pinkish plum.

* Orange, copper, almond or peach is appropriate for olive-skinned while blue skin tones (very dark-skinned) can opt for dark red or auburn.

* Those with a neutral look can have any color while those with pink tones can get away without a blush at all.

Skin Intensity

* The darker the skin, the stronger the color of the blush. So it follows that the lighter the skin, the lighter the blush.

* The intensity of the blusher will make or break your look. Having a blusher that is too weak for your skin will not even be seen.

* Fair-skinned women may use a shade from a pale pinkish red to beige - you can also apply powder blush on top to have that transluscent effect.

* Medium tones call for warm pinks, brown-based pinks or soft beige. For the olive-skinned, brown-red, soft berry, honey beige or plum pink is recommended.

* Those with a darker skin color can use deep bronze, soft mahogany or cocoa.


* Consider the color of your hair and eyes. Dark or black hair tends to make the skin look paler, so a stronger blush than the recommended shade might be needed.

* Neutral shades like a bronzer should complement blonde hair and tanned skin.

* Peach is a safer color for red heads or those with loud hair colors, since it competes with your blush.

* Daytime or nighttime? Soft, natural colors like warm pinks, beige, peach, and mauve is more appropriate for evening affairs. A bronzer can also be a substitute to blushers if you want a sun-kissed look.

3. Sure-fire Blush Selection, made easy!

Do physical activity for about two to three minutes until your cheeks become pink. If you’re still having a hard time knowing what the right shade is best for you, ask someone from the make-up counter. Since they have charts and color wheels, it is best that you ask them for advice on color.

4. Applying the Blush

If you’re thinking on buying a blush, remember that you won’t find out the real shade until you try it out. Apply on the inside of your forearm to find out the color. If it doesn’t stand out, then you have chosen the right color.

Experimenting with the right shade and color would require a face in full make-up. This will let you know if your blush is balanced with your make-up. Make sure that your blush will match the color of your lipstick. Applying a little blush to the tip of your nose and chin will balance your look.

To ensure that your blush will blend with your make-up, apply blusher first or else it will compete with your eyeshadow and lip color. If you find out that you have too much blush, don’t fret. Just get a dry and clean sponge to soften the colors. Remember, this will all be in vain if you don’t know how to apply blush properly.

Article Source:www.smart-mums.com.au

Simple Christmas Make Up

Simple Christmas Make Up

There are two types of Christmassy Spirits those who love it and those who are bah humbug! Add your very own special effects to make you look hot and sultry and very much wanted, next time you go for a night out. Face Make Up have a team of specialist Christmas party make up artists available to hire who can travel to any location in the UK. From the desk to the dancefloor, to turkey with the in-laws and drinks with the girls – Christmas is a whirl of social engagements.

Casual Chic Makeup look is for an afternoon out of doors. It could be skating at an ourdoor rink in the center of the city or sledding. Whatever your choice for the day, you are going to need the right makeup application.

Put on your make-up somewhere with lots of light, preferably natural, so you don't step out overloaded with bronzer or blusher.

The line upper and lower lashes with black eyeliner pencil, and apply black mascara.

Apply mid grey/plum/taupe eyeshadow on your lid and blend up and out. On your eye contour towards the outer edge apply a darker grey/granite and blend well. Then apply with a brush under your lid (shadow blends better than eyeliner). Blend a lighter highlighting shade under the brow bone.

Scary beauty has its charms too. So paint your face for this Halloween using the mixture of 1 tsp of cornstarch, 1/2 tsp of water, 1/2 tsp of cold cream and some food coloring. Wash and dry your face before painting it and use fingertips for large areas and paint brush for making specific designs. Be creative and innovative. It is easily removable and can be washed with soap and water.

Use in the centre of your eyelids, on your browbone, and on the apples of your cheeks to highlight your face.

The lip colours themselves should be applied with a brush and provide a light satin finish. The palette will set you back 42 from BT’s in Dublin, Cork and Galway and Boots & Debenhams in Belfast.

Foundations are useful to even out the skin tone. Start with a Bronzer, it suits every skin tone from dark to pale at any age. It gives a gorgeous, smooth, sun tanned, shimmery look without looking overdone.

Concealer are the benefit in boi-ing too faced absolutely flawless therapeutic herbal concealer and may belline dream matte mousse concealer.
To choose the perfect hairstyle using with your Christmas Make Up which can uncrease your looks.

Waxing is a technique of hair removal for short term that takes away the hair from the preliminary place. Fresh hairs will not arrive back in the formerly waxed part of the body for 3-8 weeks.

Most of the body oils are chemical free and safe for skin. Using such oils make skin soft, smooth and clean. There are many essential oils like coconut oil, almond oil, sesame oil, olive oils and tea tree oil for different parts of the body. If one has a cellulite syndrome, take a steam or hot bath with a few drops of any essential oil as they lean to block pores in the skin. One can use vegetable oil like jojoba oil or olive oil for the body.

By: rachel
Article Source: http://www.content.onlypunjab.com

วันอังคารที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Teenage Cosmetic Surgery

teenagers – for instance, to correct a cleft palate (harelip), repair a scar, or fix a broken nose. These surgeries, while they do have some cosmetic benefits,...

Teenage Cosmetic Surgery

With cosmetic surgery being evident through celebrity images and reality television shows, the increase in teenage cosmetic surgery is hardly surprising. Here is an overview.

Teenage Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is extremely popular these days. Many people choose to have cosmetic surgery to enhance their appearance, or create a younger look. Most of these patients are older, and have become discontented with the way they look; cosmetic surgery gives them an option to change their physical structure. However, more and more young people are looking towards cosmetic procedures to alter their looks. Teenage cosmetic surgery is becoming more common, but it's definitely a controversial field.

There are two general types of cosmetic surgery that are performed: reconstructive and cosmetic. Most surgeons will gladly perform reconstructive procedures on teenagers – for instance, to correct a cleft palate (harelip), repair a scar, or fix a broken nose. These surgeries, while they do have some cosmetic benefits, are not done purely for vanity's sake and so are medically important. But today, some teenage cosmetic surgery patients are hoping for more superficial procedures.

Most cosmetic surgeons will not perform rhinoplasty (a nose job) or breast augmentation on teenagers under the age of 18. This is because the human body is still growing before that age, and what a teenager may see as a problem at age 15, for example, may resolve itself before adulthood. Young girls who think that they have breasts that are too small may develop further, and when their faces mature, they may “grow into” their nose. Liposuction is also generally frowned upon; a better way for a teenager to shape their body is through diet and exercise.
There are some cosmetic procedures that are done as teenage cosmetic surgery. If a young boy has gynocomastia (male breast tissue) caused by puberty, a cosmetic surgeon may remove this tissue for the teenage boy before full adulthood. Other procedures may be done during the teen years as well, and most of them are done after the doctor has made a determination of the patient's maturity. These include otoplasty (pinning back the ears) and dermabrasion (for acne). Non surgical procedures that are completed by cosmetic surgeons and cosmeticians include laser hair removal and injections to reduce scarring.

While teenage cosmetic surgery is not the norm, there are still many young men and women who want procedures done during this time of life. 335,000 teenagers had cosmetic surgery in 2003, up from 306,000 in the year 2000. Depending on what procedure is to be completed, and the patient's emotional maturity, doctors make decisions on whether or not the surgery will be well tolerated.

Author: Ricardo Silva
Article Source: www.article99.com

Get The Insider Secrets To Cosmetic Surgery

Get The Insider Secrets To Cosmetic Surgery

How to find the best cosmetic surgery , to protect family and yourself, even if you know nothing about cosmetic surgery

In this day and age, a lot of things have changed from how they used to be, which can be new and exciting for most. The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this thing you'll find that the issue of Cosmetic Surgery is surely no exception. Cosmetic surgery is any surgical practice that is intended to enhance your animal appearance. except the cosmetic surgery is essential as the upshot of an accident, injury, or birth defect, the odds are the practice will not be enclosed by your insurance. Although cosmetic surgery may change your appearance and give you the confidence to face the world with a full new attitude, it doesn't change who you "really" are inside. If you were languid and unmotivated before your new nose, you're possible to still be languid and unmotivated after. From here on out, we will give you tips on what can make this subject a little more helpful to you. The most common cosmetic surgery procedures are face lifts, liposuction, breast enhancement, "nose jobs" and "tummy tucks" but this is by no means the scope of what a cosmetic surgeon can do for you.

Cosmetic surgery is performed by a physician who has undergone specialized teaching in also plastic or cosmetic surgery. When choosing a physician always make sure that they have been qualified by also the American Board of fake Surgery (ABPS) or the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS). They should have the certification record in bare view in their office. You'll want to ask the next questions when you are interviewing the doctor: How regularly have you done this procedure? How long have you been liability this procedure? What are the best and nastiest case fallout that I can imagine from this procedure? What are the ability risks or complications of this procedure? What do I want to do to organize myself for this procedure? Truthfully, the only difference between you and Cosmetic Surgery experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that greatly faster to authority status when it comes to Cosmetic Surgery.

How greatly time will I have to elude from work or typical social activity?
How greatly pain or discomfort is associated with this procedure?
How greatly will this system cost?
Will I oblige any follow-up behavior and is it included in the price?
Will I force any prescription drugs?
Will my indemnity cover all or part of the costs?

Most cosmetic surgery doctors will have a book of "Before and After" cinema that have been full of patients who have given their permission to be included in the book. Not only should you ask to see the book, but also ask if you can accept a lower by approving to have your cinema added. One of the nastiest reasons for having a cosmetic surgery system performed is because "everyone besides is liability it". What may be right for one of your friends may not be right for you.

That's why it is important to have a open discussion with your physician before having any system done. Tell your physician what your expectations are and then listen very closely to the answer. If you think that having a face lift is available to get you a better job, then you may want to reconsider your thinking. Most people's lives do not change radically after cosmetic surgery is performed. In fact, there are regularly unexpected fallout that accompany cosmetic surgery. You may marvel why somebody with as greatly money as Barbara Streisand has never had her nose "fixed". When she was younger her physician told her that changing the identity of her nose would amend her voice! That was a hazard that Barbara was not keen to take.

Cosmetic surgery should not be rushed into. Take your time, store around for the best physician and make sure that you have a stable grasp on your expectations. The odds are you will have to live with the fallout of the formula for the remnants of your life. I wish that recital the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you. Your learning practice should be ongoing--the more you understand about any subject, the more you will be able to divide with others. To learn more about this topic, visit your local library or do a simple Internet search to get the information you desire.

Article Source: www.article99.com

Seeing Beauty In A Different Light through Cosmetic Surgery

Seeing Beauty In A Different Light through Cosmetic Surgery

Evident in the emergence of various ways of beauty enhancement, more and more people today find ways of enhancing their physical beauty through the wonders of cosmetic surgeries or procedures.

Since the dawn of modern technology, people have discovered so many solutions to every existent problem there is. These past few decades, one of the industries that have benefited from the wonders of medical science is the beauty industry.

Evident in the emergence of various ways of beauty enhancement, more and more people today find ways of enhancing their physical beauty through the wonders of cosmetic surgeries or procedures.


Statistics show that in 2004, 11.9 million Americans have undergone various cosmetic procedures to enhance their personality. Defined as a surgery designed to improve cosmetics or a person’s appearance, cosmetic surgery continues to gain popularity in different parts of the globe.

If you are one of those who are planning to undergo any cosmetic surgery, make sure that you familiarize yourself first what are the different aesthetic or cosmetic procedures available today.
One of the most common cosmetic producers being today is the abdominoplasty or the “tummy tuck.” The procedure involves reshaping and firming of the abdomen by removing the excess skin and fat. Usually, the navel is relocated while various incisions are made to minimize visible scarring. Aside from numbness and uncomfortable tightness, complications may lead infection and formation of fluid pockets.

Women who would want to tighten their enlarged vaginal tunnel caused by giving birth usually prefer vaginoplasty, which is usually performed by urological surgeons.
Blepharoplasty or “eyelid/eyelift surgery,” on the other hand, involves the reshaping of the eyelids or the application of permanent eyeliner. Here, the eyelids are cut along their full length while excess skin and fat are removed. Aside from being swollen and bruised, patients may also experience side effects such as blurred vision, overproduction of tears and drastic change in the shape of the eyes.

“Boob job” or “breast enlargement” is also one of the most popular aesthetic procedures out there. Technically known as “augmentation mammaplasty,” this procedure involves saline or silicone gel implants through incision under armpits or the breast. Bruising, swelling, formation of hard scar tissue, deflation of the implant, and dislocated implants are the possible side effects of this procedure.

Another boob job available is the breast reduction or reduction mammaplasty. Here, excess skin and fat are removed from the each breast through incisions. Aside from permanent scars, the patient can experience reduced nipple sensation.

Buttock augmentation or “butt implants” has the same concept as breast augmentation only it is done in the buttocks. The use of silicone implants or fat grafting is used in this procedure.
If you want to minimize the appearance of acne acne, pock, wrinkles, and other scars, you can undergo a chemical peel. Here, surface layers of skin are being while treated with chemicals such as phenol, trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid. Although it is proven to be an effective way of washing out skin imperfections, it can also increase the risk of complications like scarring and infection.

Other cosmetic surgeries and procedures include mastopexy or “breast lift” that aims to raise sagging breasts, labiaplasty or the surgical reduction and reshaping of the labia, rhinoplasty or “nose job” that reshapes the nose, otoplasty or “ear surgery” that reshapes ear, rhytidectomy or “face lift” that removes wrinkles and signs of aging from the face, liposuction that removes fat from the body, chin augmentation using silicone, cheek augmentation that uses collagen, fat, and other tissue filler injections, and mesotherapy which is a popular alternative to liposuction.

Author: Bob Janeway
Article Source: www.article99.com

Do Cosmetics Cause Acne?

Do Cosmetics Cause Acne?

Is your temporary solution part of the problem?

For decades, dermatologists and cosmetologists alike have debated the effects of cosmetics on the skin, particularly in acne sufferers. Make-up has often been branded an “acne Catch-22” — you want something to cover the redness, but you’re told it may actually be causing your acne. Fortunately, this is only partly true. To understand how to approach the make-up issue, we should start with a discussion of “cosmetic acne.”

Cosmetic Acne & Skin Care - A mild-mannered cousin. Acne cosmetica, or acne that is caused by cosmetics, is a mild and fairly common form of acne. Because it is triggered by topical products rather than the complex process that creates true acne, it can strike anyone — even people who are not physiologically prone to the condition. Characterized by small, rashy pink bumps on the cheeks, chin and forehead, it typically develops over the course of a few weeks or months and may persist indefinitely. If you've recently started using a new skincare product and you're experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, discontinue use of the new product for a few days and see if your breakout subsides.

NOTE: While studies have shown that make-up does not cause true acne, it can exacerbate the condition. So it’s helpful to be aware of common topical triggers, no matter what kind of acne you have.

Cosmetic Acne & Skin Care - The culprit: Comedogenics. Ever wonder where your make-up goes over the course of the day? Some of it is rubbed off by contact with your hands and your clothing, and some of it migrates across your skin, settling into your pores — much like rainwater collects wherever there are small holes in the ground. Some make-ups include ingredients that are considered comedogenic, or substances that are known to clog pores. Although these cosmetics may not cause true plugging of the follicle, certain ingredients may induce follicular irritation. The result? The small, persistent bumps known as “cosmetic acne.”

Do Cosmetics Causes Acne?

Get Help with Your Acne - 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Cosmetic Acne & Skin Care - Seven rules for a clean beauty routine. With so many products making so many claims, it’s easy to be confused by clever marketing. Fortunately, just a bit of education can get you on the path to choosing the proper cosmetics and using them wisely.

Here are seven good rules to follow for a healthy make-up regimen:

1. Avoid penetrating oils.
Contrary to popular belief, not all oils are comedogenic. Petroleum products, mineral oil and sunflower oil do not penetrate into the pore. Most cosmetic oils, however, can aggravate acne — so it’s best to avoid them. One of the most common acne triggers in skin products, especially lotions and sunscreens, is lanolin, a fatty acid extracted from sheep’s wool. Isopropyl Myristate, which promotes smooth, even application in many foundations, is such an aggressive penetrator that it’s the main ingredient in most rust-removers! In general, products labeled “oil-free” and "non-comedogenic" are less likely to clog your pores and trigger breakouts.

2. Steer clear of sweet smells.
Fragrance is a major cause of allergic and irritant reactions on the face. Even products that claim to be "unscented" may include fragrances added to mask the smell of other ingredients. It’s best to stick with products labeled as “fragrance-free” or “hypo-allergenic.” Of course, reactions to fragrance differ dramatically, and you may find certain perfumes that don’t affect your skin. The most common offenders are fragrances in the ambrette, bergamot, cinnamate and musk families. If the derivatives of your favorite face cream or foundation’s scent are not easily determined from the product label, try a patch test on the skin behind your ear. If no irritation appears after three days of repeated application, you may continue usage on a larger area.

3. Be smart about shadow and blush.
The stuff that puts the sparkle in your eye shadow, face powder and blush is usually mica, a common mineral. The jagged, flaky shape of mica particles can cause irritation and/or clogging in the follicle, so it’s best to use products without too much shimmer. Likewise, many of the red dyes used to put a bloom in your cheeks are coal tar derivatives; not surprisingly, these substances are comedogenic, too. Check the labels for blushes that use carmine, which has been a natural, healthy cosmetic colorant since the time of the Aztecs. Also, cream blushes are more likely to have comedogenic ingredients, so stick to powder or gel blushes.

4. Get wise to eye creams.
Because of the delicacy of the skin around the eyes, creams created for this area are often thicker and greasier than regular facial moisturizers. Heavy eye creams and oily eye make-up removers can promote milia, tiny white cysts under the eyes. These kinds of products can also migrate to neighboring areas, creating acne on the cheeks, temples and forehead.

5. Style your hair with care.
Most hair products are full of the ingredients we’d like to keep away from our skin: alcohol, adhesives and oils. So if you’re prone to acne, use care when styling your hair — cover your skin when you spray, and try to keep oils, mousses, gels and pomades away from the skin at the hairline. And don’t use hair products when you exercise; perspiration from your scalp can carry styling products onto your skin, contributing to new breakouts.

6. Wash after exercising.
While we know that sweat doesn’t cause acne, it can promote it in those who are prone — and make-up can make matters worse. Even non-comedogenic products can cause clogging or irritation in the presence of heavy perspiration. As a rule, it’s best to wash immediately after exercising with a medicated exfoliating cleanser.

7. Use the right lip lube.
If you have problems with pimples around the mouth area, you might want to reconsider the products you use on your lips. Lipsticks and glosses are greasy by nature, with high concentrations of petroleum, wax and other comedogenic substances. The greater the shine, the greater the potential for pore-clogging — so if you're breaking out, try going for a matte finish rather than a high gloss.

In general, it’s fine to doll up! Just choose your cosmetics carefully — look for products that are oil-free and non-comedogenic. Read labels carefully to avoid common topical triggers. And of course, use your common sense; if a product that looks okay on the label is irritating your skin, discontinue usage right away.

Author: Kerwin Chang
Article Source: www.article99.com

The Courage to Age Gracefully: The Transforming Power of Permanent Makeup

The Courage to Age Gracefully:
The Transforming Power of Permanent Makeup

Women are beginning to believe they can have it all, that their dreams can come true and they are right.

In 2006 women have many choices. Every day the media portrays women in positions of power in newspapers, on TV and the radio. Women are buying their own homes, having babies when they are over forty, marrying younger men or not getting married at all, driving race cars and working as the president's "right hand man". Women are beginning to believe they can have it all, that their dreams can come true and they are right. As a permanent makeup professional I see many women in my practice from all walks of life. I am pleased that so many women I meet who are over fifty are living exciting, inspired and transformative lives. Quoted in a recent article by Jane Ganahl in the San Francisco Chronicle Candace Bushnell, author of "Sex and the City, stated "Five or six years ago we [women] were talking about men, relationships and sex. But now it's about careers, aspirations, hopes, dreams -- what you hope to do in your life."

Redefine the Word “Older”

Writer and humorist Erma Bombeck once said "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'." Living life to the fullest is one of the important parts of experiencing wholeness and satisfaction with your life. These days women in their 50's, 60's and even 70's go back to school, start dating, visit places they have never been, feel sexy, write novels, start businesses and purchase property. Women have reinvented themselves. Getting older no longer means hating loud music, getting shorter and having blue hair; it means being free of the responsibility of raising children, being more financially stable, having stronger and more passionate relationships because you know yourself better.

Let Yourself Shine

Loving the way you look is beneficial to how you age. Permanent makeup offers a wonderful alternative to cosmetic surgery, hours of applying makeup or simply feeling bad about your appearance. The ultimate aspect of beauty is up to you…shining your own unique light. Permanent makeup strives to enhance the features you have and increase the sharpness and clarity of facial color that begins to fade as we get older. Recently I had a client who is over seventy and after her permanent makeup procedures she told me "even with the plastic surgery , the permanent makeup is the one thing that gave me the most self-esteem. I wish I’d known about it and done it years ago.”

Believe in Your Own Power

It takes courage to grow old gracefully. Many people focus on the negatives and allow themselves to focus on the end of life, but life is really a series of beginnings and endings that happen every day. The experience of life really makes us more self aware and therefore more powerful. If we acknowledge that, we manifest growth and transformation. If we believe that age drains us and makes us weaker than it is very likely that will occur. Speaking of transformation, let me tell you about another client of mine. For over forty years, she had suffered from serious illnesses. Then multiple organ transplants freed her of diabetes and dialysis. To celebrate her new health and vitality, she had me apply color in her brows and lashes which had thinned out since the surgery. A burst retina makes it difficult to apply conventional makeup so permanent brows and eyeliner seemed the perfect solution. While in my office she told me "It was not until after my transplants that I found myself asking the big questions of Life and seeking understanding.” It is never too late to take a new lease out on life and you can never predict the changes the Universe will give to you.

Carrie Fisher once said, "I don't want life to imitate art. I want life to be art." Permanent makeup is living art. It is also functional, transformational and can change the way you view yourself and your future. As you get older don't wallow in the past, keep dreaming about the future and believe that you can age well. Manifesting beauty in your 50's, 60's, 70's and beyond happens inside and out; you have the power. To learn and read more about giving yourself the gift of permanent makeup visit my web site at http://www.dawncolors.com.

Author: Dawn Willard
Article Source: www.article99.com

Simple Solutions To Recover From Cosmetic Makeup Disasters!

Simple Solutions To Recover
From Cosmetic Makeup Disasters!

Have you ever bought makeup that looks great at the store only to get it home and find it makes us look more ghoulish than gorgeous? Of course you have, but is the only alternative to toss it? No! And here is how you can easily recover...

To soften a blinding shade of blusher, start by applying a more neutral-colored blush such as tawny brown, which creates a natural-looking flush on most skin tones. Then add a pop of the bright color on top. To make it brighter, first sweep the blah blush over the apples of your cheeks; then tap the tops of your cheekbones with your most vibrant shade of pink blush.
Foundation can easily be made darker, just apply the foundation as you usually would and then dust a little powder bronzer onto your cheeks, forehead and chin using a large blush brush — the coppery tones will help add warmth and depth. Another option: Create a richer color by mixing a small amount of foundation with a drop of gel bronzer in your palm. To make it lighter, dilute the color by mixing it in your hand with a squirt of untinted facial moisturizer.

After filling in lips with a too-loud shade of lipstick, just top it with a neutral beige lipstick. Continue layering on the beige until you reach your desired tone. Create a more intense, matte version of a lackluster lipstick by first lining and filling in your kisser with a lip liner that’s at least two shades deeper than the lipstick. Then apply the lipstick and a deeper shade of gloss for sheen and much fuller and poutier lips.

To soften the color of eyeshadow, start by sweeping lids with a taupe-tone shadow or a pale yellow powder. Then apply a light coat of the blaring color. If it’s still too intense, add another layer of the lighter shade. Or if the shadow is bright green, blue or violet, you can use it as an eyeliner to softly define just your upper lids. Then to darken the color, dampen your eye shadow brush beforehand, which will intensify the hue.

Following these simple tips will mean no more makeup buying disasters and a much happier and more beautiful you!

Author: Stevie James
Article Source: www.article99.com

How To Apply Perfect And Natural Looking Makeup Every Time!

How To Apply Perfect And
Natural Looking Makeup Every Time!

So you want to know how to apply perfect looking makeup every time? Of course you do, let me know explain how in these simple and easy steps...

Foundation is just that: the foundation of your look. For that reason, making sure you start out with the right color is really important. Regardless of your killer eyeliner, it'll still look dumb if you look like a tangerine. You need to look like you're not wearing foundation, but still look flawless. But how does one wear foundation without looking like it? Well, you need to match your skin's tone to foundation undertones. However, that is easier said than done. Finding the undertone of your skin can be tricky. You'll need to make sure the shade is right if you apply a small amount from your cheek down to your jaw line, and see if it fades into your skin.
Once you've found your color, there are rules for applying foundation. Lewis recommends applying your foundation to the middle panel of the face around the T-zone (nose, forehead and chin), and then spread it out onto your cheeks. You should only use a dime-sized amount of foundation for your entire face. Avoid the dreaded orange foundation line by matching your foundation to your true color. Yellow skin tones require a neutral undertone, golden skin tones need bronze undertones, and rosy skin tones, pink undertones.

Now that you've evened out your skin tone, it's time to put a little color in your cheeks - literally. You want to make sure you're blending very well for that sun-kissed look, which is very in right now. I recommends a pinky/coral shade of blush, because it looks great on everyone. Cheek stains are most natural blushers that last longer, and are great for those who don't like the typical "makeup look." Another color favorite, regardless of season, is bronzer. Bronzer is great because it takes you from Iceland to Madrid in a matter of seconds. Carmindy's trick for applying bronzer is fairly simple. Apply on the apples of your cheeks, temples and a little on the forehead, nose and chin.

The final touch for your face is highlighter. Highlighter is basically a shimmery, sheer shade that "highlights" your features. Carmindy applies a highlight shade under the eyebrow, in the tear duct and along the cheekbone. This opens up the eye and defines the cheekbones. The best highlight shades are light pink, white, vanilla, gold, iridescent and champagne.
When it comes to actual makeup application, eyes are the hardest. Anyone can slather on foundation, brush on bronzer or run highlighter under the brow, but how many women do you know who properly apply eyeliner and shadow? Exactly. First of all, choose your color. Carmindy recommends using eyeshadow shades that are the opposite of your eyes. Basically, if you have light-colored eyes, use deeper shades like brown, and if you have brown eyes, congrats! Any color works on you.

A good spring eye look, Brown said, is creating a soft, lush line instead of a hard line, and lighter, brighter colors around the eyes. A standard day time look, great for school and work, is a fairly simple six-step process. Start off with your highligher shade. Then choose another sheer shade to cover the whole lid up to the brow bone (sheer metallics are great for this). Then sweep a slightly darker shade over your lid, followed by a contrasting shade in your crease. Next, apply eyeliner. Black works for just about anyone. Eyeliner is a fun look, but be careful not to go overboard. Remember, goth is so '90s. Apply mascara, and presto! You have beautiful eyes!
A great way to make a lipstick last is using lip liner on the entire lip, instead of just outlining them. It provides a base for the lipstick, so it is less likely to wear off; when the inevitable does happen (i.e. coffee, food, men), you're not left with a garish line and nothing else.

Author: Stevie James
Article Source: www.article99.com

Mineral Makeup Applications and Uses

Mineral Makeup Applications**Foundations:brush in the powder or dip your brush in the powder...Finishing Powders:Blushes:Bronzers:apply shadow over your eye lids,...

Mineral Makeup Applications and Uses

Article on application and uses of mineral makeup.
This article is meant as a self help general know how on the application and uses of essential

mineral makeup


The best way to apply an essential mineral foundation is with a kabuki brush, or you can use a powder brush if the hairs are not to loosely apart. You can either tap some mineral powder in your lid and swirl the brush in the powder or dip your brush in the powder and then swirl it in the lid. Gently tap off excess powder on the edge of your lid, with bristles pointed upward. Then begin at the jaw line and in circular motions apply in thin layers until you get the desired coverage you want. You don't want to begin at the center of your face, or the powders will get into your lines and creases. If you still have a few spots that need covering, just take your concealer brush, dip into powders, and apply to necessary areas. Foundations may also be applied with a damp sponge.

Finishing Powders:

Finishing powders are applied as you would a foundation. You may use heavier coats on oily areas.


Using your blush brush simply swirl and tap in your lid and apply to cheeks. You can also use to contour different parts of the face such as jaw line, parts of brow, nose, ect. You can apply more than one coats if you desire more color intensity.


Tap some powder in your lid, swirl and tap your brush, and apply lightly to forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. You can also use for contouring jaw line and parts of brow. In the winter you can also use your tan foundation as a light bronzer.

Multi-Use Colors (Shimmers and Mattes)


Use a small brush or sponge applicator to apply shadow over your eye lids, or in the creases, for contouring effect. Apply more than one color if desired. Cover whole lid from lash line to eyebrow, then add another color to lid (lighter color), then one in the crease of the eye lid first using color as a highlight on brow bone blend color just where the meet. Mix matte and shimmer color together. Apply wet for a more dramatic effect or use as an eyeliner. There are to many different ways these shadows can be used, experiment and have fun.

Author: christina harris
Article Source: www.article99.com