Don't Say Goodnight Without Removing Your Makeup
Removing makeup is more important than most people think, The removing of the make up before going to bed is essential because, during sleep, the skin needs a break, a time to rest...Don't Say Goodnight Without Removing Your MakeupIn order to maintain the beauty and the brightness of our face for a long time it is absolutely
necessary that each and every night we remove our make up. Removing makeup is more important than most people think, it is essential to make sure to remove all makeup on your face to keep a blemish free, healthy smooth looking skin. Although sometimes when we come late in the night from a club or from a party and our only wish is to go to bed as soon as we can, we mustn't skip over cleaning our face. The removing of the make up before going to bed is essential because, during sleep, the skin needs a break, a time to rest. The pores must be cleaned up so that the skin may regenerate. There are a lot of products for removing the make up so it doesn't matter whether we use creams or lotions as removers or even napkin removers, for the lazy ones. The important thing is that we mustn't forget or postpone the make up removal. It would be great if we would clean the face in the morning with make up removers because during the sleep our face produces substances that aren't removed by soap and water. In the morning we can use special cleansers or foams which, used it contact with water, provide a better cleaning of the skin.When we choose our make up remover we must be careful that it do
esn't irritate the skin - it has to be delicate, without leaving the sensation of fat skin. The daily removing of the make up prevents the blackheads, which appear because the pores are overloaded and the skin is not as clean as it should be, and the premature appearance of the wrinkles. For removing the make up around the eyes it is preferable that we use a special remover which mustn't contain alcohol and it would be best if it would have an oily texture which easily removes the mascara without irritating the eyes or producing redness. The easiest way of removing the make up with a delicate action around the eyes is by using the special napkins which require a short time of action. It is recommended that after removing the make up you use a cream or a lotion for a better protection of the skin.By Expert Author: Jason