How to Recreate Beyonce Makeup Style
How to Recreate Beyonce Makeup Style,Choose a Darker Shade of Eye Shadow,Be Sure to Choose a Very Natural Lipstick or Gloss...
How to Recreate Beyonce Makeup Style
Beyonce is a singer and actress that is well-known for taking care of herself. She always looks stunning, with new gorgeous hairstyles and makeup styles. Although the star changes from time to time, as with any other celebrity, there are a number of things that you can do to recreate Beyonce's makeup style that she normally sticks with.
Choose a Darker Shade of Eye ShadowAlthough most celebrities opt for light, natural shades of eye shadow, Beyonce
seems to do just the opposite. She often chooses a darker shade of eye shadow. Black and dark shades of gray are her common choices. She usually either covers the lid with a shade of dark shadow or she opts for a smoky eye shadow look. With this technique, you choose three shades of a color and blend them into one another, the darkest color being closest to the lashes and the lightest closest to the eyebrow. The smoky eye look is great for a night on the town.
Be Sure to Choose a Very Natural Lipstick or Gloss
Beyonce almost always chooses a very natural lipstick or gloss. Light pink or peach are great choices for lipstick, depending on your skin tone. Choose a clear
lip gloss, or perhaps one that has a light tint to it. Cover Girl Wet Slicks is a great brand of lip gloss to consider and should help you achieve a look that is similar to what Beyonce normally wears. Although Beyonce does sometimes choose brighter or bolder lipstick or gloss colors, it is very rare for her to do so. Article: