วันอังคารที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup;Pros of Permanent Makeup,Cons of Permanent Makeup,article,

Permanent Makeup
Permanent makeup is available for various forms of makeup, including eyeliner, lip liner and even eyebrows. The process of permanent makeup is done through tattooing and, although you may not even realize it, the decision is a big one to make. Before you make the final decision to go through with permanent makeup for yourself, it is a good idea for you to weigh the pros and cons. This will help you determine if permanent makeup is the right choice for you.

Pros of Permanent Makeup

1. You do not need to worry about having to do your makeup anymore. Instead of having to worry about putting makeup on in the morning, you can hop right out of bed and make time for other things that may be more important to you. For those with busy lifestyles, the convenience of permanent makeup is its main appeal.

2. Certain makeup techniques can be done with a lot of precision. If you are not a pro at applying your makeup, then this is probably an aspect of permanent makeup that is very important to you. Instead of worrying about how badly you will apply your makeup, you will feel rest assured to know that it is perfect and ready to go anywhere.

3. Permanent makeup is just that - permanent. What this means is that you will not need to worry about your eyeliner coming off when you go swimming or take a shower. In many ways, the convenience that permanent makeup has to offer is enough to convince some women to get it done.

Cons of Permanent Makeup

1. Permanent makeup is just that - permanent. If you want to experiment with new styles, you really will not have much of a choice. Some people change their overall look on a regular basis. If this is you, permanent makeup probably isn’t a good idea.

2. Many people do get sick of the permanent makeup that they decide to get. What happens if you choose to get permanently thin eyebrows tattooed on and then, years from now, the style is to keep your eyebrows as thick and bushy as possible? Instead of being able to grow them out, you will not be able to change them.

2. As with any tattoo, permanent makeup is likely to cause you to feel some pain or discomfort during the process. If you are not very tolerant of pain, then perhaps you should reconsider whether or not you really want to have permanent makeup done.

3. According to medical research, permanent makeup (particularly eyeliner) may cause you to experience an infection.

As you can see, there are both pros and cons associated with permanent makeup. Before you decide whether or not you want to have any type of permanent makeup done on your face, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. While permanent makeup may be suitable for some, many find that there are too many disadvantages for them to even want to try it.
