Makeup For TeenageresDuring a teen's adolescent life where she has to deal with becoming homecoming queen, prom queen, head of the cheerleading squad and still keeping up grades, it sounds like a teenage girls l

ife can get a little stressful. But where there is stress there is always a distresser around to ease one's mind and that would be Makeup for Teenagers! Make up is fun and creative and it enhances the beauty of an already beautiful young girl as well as promoting high self esteem. The key to wearing teen makeup is that it should have a natural and fresh look as if you are not wearing any make up at all. However there are a variety of cosmetics products that are used for added fun and decoration for a bubbly teen who wishes to show her expression through vibrant colors like pink eye shadows and glitter filled lip gloss.
The purpose of make up should be looking like teenagers and not look like an adult. Teenagers should understand the basic concepts of how to apply and wear make up in the correct way as well as learning how to pick great colors for themselves that match their natural skin tone. Of

course girls want to be girls and have their cake and eat it too. Therefore when wearing makeup, teens should always know what kind of makeup to wear for certain occasions and special events. For instance if a teen was playing a sport in school, she should avoid wearing makeup with vibrant colors that draws attention to her face, she should stick with soft and subtle colors that blend in with her face giving her a fresh look. However if a teen decides to wear make up to prom or a special dance at school , this is the time that she can go over the top if she chooses, she can create a sophisticated look with smoky eyes and pouty lips or wear a certain color dress like green, red, pink and then having matching eye shadow and eyeliner that compliments her dress, but remember you can create a perfect look with subtle colors and still will not look like a clown.
Teenagers can have a lot of variety when they choose their make up. There are a lot of makeup products on the market that promote all around fun. Like neon color eye shadow, body glitter, tri-colored lip gloss, sparkling nail polish, and many more different types of teen make up kits that makes it fun and easy for a teen to wear and enjoy her make up as well as share it with friends.
Teens can choose to wear makeup, because it gives them a general idea of what it will be like when they blossom into an adult or they can wear make up because it is a girly girl thing to do and it gives them a boost of self-confidence and self-worth.