Halloween Makeup Tips
~ Quick and Easily Let’s go Glam not Ghoul!
Halloween comes around every year making millions of kids happy of course but what about you? Don’t you do want to fun things on Halloween as well? Most men really dig going looking as grossed out as possible and some of their partners are cool about it but what if t

What if you want to be that sexy playboy bunny or Marilyn Monroe, a fairy or anything like that? You are really not going to be wearing ripped up clothes, and dirty things, you are going to be wearing a costume that is going to cost you about 60 +dollars correct? Do you want your makeup to reflect you normal everyday makeup or do you to really look like a playboy bunny, or farm maid, sexy cop?
Its time to step out your shell and be someone else, and truly play the part! Why not half the world is going to be out there with you right? The style of makeup you will need to do is going to be a bit harder to do because you need more but

Halloween makeup use to be tons of it and the brighter & wilder the better! It was like you wanted to be able to be seen from across the room and give a great first impression. You never know who you might be meeting at all those Costume parties, Costume Contests, Masquerade balls, Themed Night Clubs that we as grownups love to be at on Halloween right? A lot of these parties happen all year around, but Halloween just seems to bring more grownups out to play. Why not go looking like Super girl this year?
Some Halloween makeup ideas are going to take a lot of different colors to make the whole look come together. What’s different about going glam instead of ghoul is the style of course of the makeup and what you do to create it.
After you have pick out the costume you want to wear this year its time to decide how to do your makeup. Don’t bother going out and buying more makeup, you wear makeup everyday anyway right? Why buy makeup that is geared and created just for Halloween? Unless you really dig black nail polish, most colors you will need you already have. This is you we are talking about,

For our example, we are going to use farm maid. All of these ideas and tips can be found on a DVD called Halloween Collection One which has more information on the how’s to step by step.
For a farm maid, or cowgirl you are going to want simple, but it still needs to be seen. So more makeup than usual will be needed but tasteful done.
Start off with your best feature you are going to want to play up, and we are going to use eyes as our example.
A farm maid is going to have a simple innocent look such as doe eyes. That look is still something you will need to plan out because you want it to last you all night under all types of lighting.
By: Kim Snyder
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com