6 Tips for Perfect Prom Night Makeup
Makeup is a very important part of your prom night look. Prom is a special night and therefore your makeup should reflect that. With a little know how, makeup can take you from ordinary to extraordinary. Look enchanting and radiant on your prom night with these makeup tips.
1. Keep it Simple: At the mere mention of Prom, many girls assume they need to layer on the makeup to get that fashionable, special occasion look. In reality it's quite the opposite. Keeping

2. Moisturize: Moisturizing is the key to successfully applying makeup for any occasion. Make it a point to moisturize in the weeks prior to prom so your skin will be primed for application. Moisturized skin will serve and a base for your makeup and will prevent things like caked or flakey foundation allowing for a more even appearance.
3. Look to the Red Carpet: No one does glamor better than the celebrities on the red carpet. Not only do they generally dress in the latest fashions, they also know (or at least have makeup artists that know) the tricks of the makeup trade. Check out celebrity based magazines and look for makeup applications that you think would compliment your dress and your style. Use these as a guide when applying your makeup or take them with you if you a re having it professionally applied.
4. Practice: Don't wait till the day of your prom to apply your makeup for the firs time. In the weeks leading up to the prom practice putting your makeup on experimenting with different color combinations and techniques until you discover what works best for you.
5. Stick with Your Style: The prom is a one night occasion but that doesn't mean you need to find a one time style. If you tend to look better or feel more comfortable in brown eyeliner don't feel you need to switch to black for the prom. The same is true for your eye shadow and lip color. This doesn't mean you need to wear the same makeup you use everyday. Instead, use your daily makeup as inspiration for your prom night makeup. Choose colors that are similar but add a little extra to your appearance. For example, if you love a tawny eyeshadow, look for something in a similar color but with a shimmer to it. Play up what works best for you and you will be more than happy with the end results.
6. Bring the Essentials With You: Even the best of makeup can get smudged on an action packed prom night. Take a few essentials with you to make sure you don't have a makeup or hair disaster.
Be sure to put these items in your purse before you set foot out of the house:

* lip gloss/ stick* extra bobby pins* small bottle of hair spray
* blotting papers* mascara* mini mirror
By: Jen Wasilewski
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com