Bare Essentials:
Don't Complicate Your Makeup
In our fast-paced world, a lot of things are so complicated we can hardly keep up. But do you

Bare mineral make up is free from ingredients that are harmful to either your skin or the environment. It is important to understand what dangerous elements your cosmetics and personal products contain so you know which ingredients and chemicals to avoid. A lot of toiletries, including fragrances, shaving products and nail care products, contain phthalates, which can impair breathing. Be sure to use these products only if the area is well ventilated.
It is necessary that personal care products containing synthetic fragrances should not be

You never have to worry about harmful chemicals in your cosmetics when you use bare essentials. Find out about the cosmetics and skin care products you now use through the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Database, which lists the full ingredients of all commercially produced toiletries. Compare the lists for your current cosmetics to the ingredient lists for bare essentials-see how much fresher and purer bare essentials really is.
Indeed a number of naturally occurring minerals can be uncovered in the yard behind your own home. Lead carbonate, which is a white color, is used for brightening, while malachite, which comes from copper ore, provides a gentle green shade to lessen redness and hide swelling. There are so many more, and bare essentials makeup products have been developed using only the very purest mineral ingredients.
After all, would you willingly slather oil byproducts, toxic chemicals, plastics or animal fat on your delicate face? Those kinds of ingredients are typically found in many cosmetics and skin care lines. With bare essentials, you can be assured that you are only using the most natural elements with makeup recipes that incorporate ancient techniques of using natural minerals to showcase your true beauty.
By Expert Author: Samantha Steiner