Artistic Make-up... Yes Please!
To look attractive is a never ending desire from the ages for the human beings. Make up provided the solutions to this problem. It enhances the positive parts of your beauty and hides the ugly part cleverly. As the desire to show the beauty and attraction in different perspectives the demand for good make up artists began to trickle in. There are different demands for

The word "Make up Artist" gained its relevancy in the 1930s when professional movie production houses felt the need to give the artists a perfect look for the character they were playing. Usually make-up artists apply make-up and style hair for performers and presenters appearing on film, stage and television (they also help you with the day-to-day or special occasion or bridal make ups). The style varies from straightforward, contemporary make-up and hairdressing to more creative and specialist techniques.
Make-up artists play a large role, with important tasks which includes selecting and purchasing supplies, doing 'corrective' make-up and hair tidying, as well as applying full make-up, discussing with individuals/ directors / lighting departments the overall effect that they wan. This also includes lots of research for styles of hair and make-up, how to add prosthetics such as false noses and scars, wigs and hair decorations while doing the make up for movie, television and theatre production houses. For the professional make up artists working hours are long and irregular, and include evenings, weekends and public holidays. The work area is mainly restricted to indoors.

Good make-up artists must be artistically inclined and must possess a well-developed sense of colour and form. Imagination, initiative and originality are important qualities they should possess. Manual agility is absolutely essential. Since make-up artists work with many people, friendliness, patience and tact are essential qualities they must possess. Make-up artists must be dedicated to their job and be keen to learn and experiment with original and creative ideas. Make-up artists can specialize in more than one field such as model make-up, old-age make-up, fantasy make-up etc.
The make-up artist first analyzes the faces of their clients, before they start applying the

Most make-up artists are freelance so there is intense competition for individual contracts. Artists skilled in both make-up and hair styling have better prospects. Make-up artists usually enter the profession through make-up/beauty therapy courses and begin their career in beauty salons. Many of them start their career in film, stage or television as an assistant. Training for the make up artists is mainly on the job. For freelance make-up artists, advancement depends on establishing a reputation in the business and progressing onto more high profile productions.
By Expert Author: Leanne Kemp