Natural mineral based cosmetics are safe, non toxic to the skin, and have the additional benefit of offering healing to skin cells....Natural Mineral Makeup and SkincareEveryone can search to find their personal combination of healthy products without excess chemical to bring out their natural glow of healthy skin.

If you want to see your skin glow you should use natural mineral based makeup. If you match the makeup to your skin type your skin will be glowing in no time.
When you are in your 20's your skin is the firmest that it will ever be. Take a look around your medicine cabinet and start eliminating products that contain any paraben, chemical additives and especially alchohol. Always use natural makeup products that contain a sunscreen to protect your skin from both UVA/UVB rays.
It is important to apply natural skin products into your skin early. By doing so, it prevents damage from occurring and you can see the results on your skin later in your life. Zinc Oxide is a mineral that naturally occurs in the earth. Skin can benefit from it naturally.
Zinc oxide has the ability to absorb ultraviolet light. Many natural makeup formulations include zinc oxide. You will also find zinc oxide as an active ingredient of choice in many suntan lotions.
During your 30's, you may begin to notice some fine lines appearing on your skin. Consequently,

you'll want to look for a natural makeup which includes moisturizing agents but which leaves out harsh chemicals or additives. Natural makeup should contain ingredients such as Titanium dioxide which not only act as a healing agent but also serve as a natural sun block. Many women mistakenly believe that the only time they need to worry about protecting their skin from sun exposure is when they are at the beach or are planning on spending time out in the sun. But your skin needs sun protection at all times. Since natural makeup includes ingredients in its base formulation which act to protect skin from sun exposure, by using natural makeup on an everyday basis, you will be providing your skin with a constant barrier of protection from the damaging rays of the sun.

If you take care of your skin and eat healthy you can avoid costly cosmetic surgery later in life. When women are in their 40's they often notice that the skin around their neck begins to droop. This can be helped by doing specific neck exercises and exercising in general. Women in their 40's you have adopted healthy lifestyles can often delay cosmetic surgery up to ten years. Pure, entirely natural botanical oils are best used as moisturizers, applied each day to keep the skin firm and supple. These oils are present in natural makeup products. Hazelnut oil is one of the best moisturizers and also serves as an astringent to limit pore openings. Hazelnut oil also contains the important proteins, minerals, and vitamins your skin needs to stay healthy and toned in the long term.

Hazelnut oil like many natural makeup products penetrates the skin quickly, and nourish the skin. It has a mildly astringent action and thus is a base oil of choice for oily skin or skin with acne. Hazelnut Oil acts as a strong sun filter so it would be a valuable addition to a natural sunscreen. Pure natural makeup used in conjunction with a healthy diet regime will guarantee radiant healthy skin.
By: Ricky Hussey
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